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식구들 이야기


Hello family,

I am hoping that this year at thanksgiving, we get a chance to get to do something a little different. It seems like Facebook does a decent job of keeping us updated on some aspects of each others' lives, but the more important things are overlooked on social media.

I have attached a template of 4 questions that I would like everyone to answer. You can make it as fancy with colors/fonts and pictures as you would like, or you can keep it as simple as you would like. The goal of this is to truly celebrate thanksgiving by becoming closer to each other and to appreciate each person's individual life, in the context of our family, and to learn about each other even though we know each other pretty well already.

Just save the powerpoint to your own computer, type in your answers, and send it back to me by Wednesday, 11/26/14. Everyone must send it back, no exceptions. If you prefer to just write in a few bulletpoints thats fine too, since I would prefer that you write less and just explain it more in person. 

I will put together a slideshow that we can share together on thanksgiving, probably sometime after dinner. 


둘째 지영이의 이메일
식구들 각자 한 해동안 성취한일, 기쁘고 보람 있었던 일들, 그리고 감사할 일들을 사진을 곁들여 자기에게 보내 달라는 내용이다.아내가 하던 일을 둘째가 세련되고 조금 복잡하게 일을 게획하는 모양이다.
식구들끼리 아주 보람 있고 값있는 시간이 될 것 같다. 아내와 난 어제 저녁 4가지 항목 중 두 개를 끝내고 서로 나누었다.

'식구들 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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